What is DreamtoIndia?

  • Dream to India is a Multi level marketing platform that helps you grow healthy and financially as you work.
  • It is Like getting fruits and flower by planting a seed in fertile land.
  • When you nurturing the plant it gives you fruit and flower.
  • Same way when you join 5 members to DreamtoIndia, those 5 members are like a seeds for your business.
  • When you Nurture and guide your team members in all level. DreamtoIndia will give Thousands, lakhs and also Crores together.

How it works?

What you do?

  • Buy the Copper Vessel.
  • Refer others to buy the product.

What you get?

  • A valuable Copper Vessel
  • Income for up to 10 levels.
  • Unlimited direct income.
  • Rewards like Car ,Bike, Mobile and Watch.
Los Angeles

Product Pricing

Best Value Product

Copper Vessel

Rs. 1000/- only

According to Ayurveda water stored in a copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three doshas in your body, (vata, kapha and pitta) and it does so by positively charging the water. We offer you a range of Ayurvedic Pure Copper products, water bottle and set of water glasses - Drink More Water, Lower Your Sugar Intake And Enjoy The Health Benefits Immediately.

*We will introduce new product at times.

Connect with us

Do you need assitance with referal code? Or do you have any queries? Contact us for any assitance you need. We will connect with you in a couple of hours.